Marinated Tofu Stew

overnight marination and 20 minutes cooking


3 servings

I had this tofu stew with noodles, homemade vegetable pickle, and steamed Kai-Lan. It was so delightful. The colors are so beautiful in the bowl, and the flavors blend so lovelily on my tongue—total comforting and satisfying because this marinated Tofu stew brought up all the flavors of its sides. I have posted my bowl photo on our Instagram as well.

I marinated my cubed Tofu with crushed and chopped ginger, soy sauce, palm jaggery, fresh lime juice, and a bit of sesame oil overnight in the fridge. So, all those flavors went inside the Tofu. And when you stew that Tofu with the combo of grounded garlic and onion on heated sesame oil again, all those sensational Asian flavors come up at their best. This Tofu stew would be perfect to pair with either noodles or hot steamed rice or on top of your nourish salad bowl, ideally. Try it and let us know how it goes. Add a comment of your opinion and experience for all of us to learn more.

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Adjust Servings
500 mg of firm white Tofu
100 gram of freshly grounded Ginger
4 tablespoons of Soy Sauce
1-2 tablespoon of crushed or melted Palm Jaggery
1 medium size Lime
About 8-10 cloves of Garlic
1 medium size Onion
4 tablespoons of Sesame Oil
2-3 stems of Spring Onion
1 tablespoon of White Sesame
A pinch of Salt


For Overnight Marination
Cut Tofu in 0.5 x 0.5 inch cubes and put in glass box or bowl. Add mentioned Soy-Sauce amount from ingredients list. Melt or crush Palm Jaggery before adding to enhance the sweetness deeper, then sprinkle on Tofu. Squeeze the freshly cut Lime. Add 1 tablespoon of Sesame oil and grounded Ginger. Cover the box or bowl and shake the box/bowl gently and constantly for about 30 seconds. Cover the lid and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.
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For Cooking Preparation
Ground Garlic and Onion finely. Chop Spring Onion.
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Heat 3 tablespoons of Sesame oil in wok or pan. Add grounded garlic and onion when oil is heated as smoke comes out. Saute them for 5 minute in medium heat.
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Add marinated Tofu and continue to stew all the ingredients for about 10 minutes or until Tofu turned golden brown.
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When Tofu started turning brown, sprinkle White Sesame and chopped Spring Onion and mixed all of them in low heat for 2 minutes.
You can adjust the taste of the dish, please add salt if it is in needs of salt. You can also add a bit soy-sauce more if needed for both sweet and salty flavors.
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After the light is switched off, cool down the Tofu Stew for 5 mins to let the heated oil and ingredients to all blend well along with the temperature changes. Then you are ready to serve amazing smelling Tofu with anything you would like to pair with.
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